Artist and engineer Peter Rogers is a finescale modeller specialising in Gauge One carriages – including British 10mm and international 1/32 standards. His models are enjoyed by collectors and enthusiasts across the world, who appreciate his fine eye for detail and accuracy.
Peter moved into the Gauge One arena to combine his interest in locomotives and love for model engineering. Starting his modelling career with an apprenticeship at Basset-Lowke, Peter soon developed a passion for transport model engineering – from trains to boats and aeroplanes.

Some time later, Peter moved to models of a different kind, featuring wildlife both natural to Britain and beyond. Throughout, however, he exercised his model engineering skill through the medium of building (and subsequently flying) model aeroplanes – focussing mainly on those that featured during the Second World War.
It is Peter’s attention to detail and eye for authenticity and precision that has lead to his success in each arena, bringing joy to enthusiasts the world over.